
dear anonymous letter writer,

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

A million times thank you. Not only for the generous gift but for your thoughtful letter as well.

I received your lovely surprise in the mail yesterday. And what a surprise it was! I wish I could adequately express just how much it meant to me. Words would never do.

Did you feel my prayer of thanks? I asked God to generously bless you.  What a tremendous person you must be. A heart purer than gold.

The timing couldn't have been more perfect, in more ways than one.  Thank you for reminding me what this season is all about.  To make someone else feel the way you made me feel?  Surely an impossible task.

You filled my day with magic and wonder and the spirit of giving.  And the sacred spirit of thanks. How is it that a stranger would give so, with no recognition in return?

I hope to someday be like you, try to pay it forward. Such an example of Christ.  Your letter is one I'll continue to carry with me throughout my life. Reminding me what it feels like to not only be the recipient of such love, but urging me to action. A constant reminder to selflessly give.

I pray this Christmas season finds you filled with comfort and happiness and most of all joy.  And the knowledge that this little person thinks you're something great.  A legend even, that I'll always carry in my heart.

Many, many thanks indeed.

Love your friend,


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