
cookies and dog germs

Today, instead of taking down Christmas decorations and starting the grand new year organization like we should, we made a mess.

A little cookie mess to be exact.

So what if Reese never got dressed in more than her undershirt.  So what if it was a bright beautiful blue sky day and we stayed inside. So what if only one bathroom was cleaned.

We had ourselves some fun. Some good ol' fashioned caloric fun.

Cookie may have been lunch's primary food group.  And whenever that happens my friends, you know it's a good, good day.

And P.S. Today Reese discovered that Keeta has holes in her nose.  She kept trying to stick her littler fingers up those canine nostrils.  Seriously.  And when Keeta wouldn't hold still enough for Dr Reese's examination, Reese resorted to giving her a great, big, juicy, wet, open mouth complete with tongue kiss right on the shnoz.  And then she laughed. The shnoz kissing, nostril attacking terrorist laughed.  Too bad I didn't grab my camera in time.

P.P.S. I stopped caring about dog germs after about the 256th time Keeta licked Reese's hand mid meal.  If I wiped her hands every time she touched Keeta, there wouldn't be any hands left to wash.  I just like to think I'm creating immunities. Lots and lots of immunities...


Erin Webster said...

Cute. I actually heard that there is something in dog saliva that prevents infections in human wounds or something. I don't want to do the research and find out that it's not true- because for now, it gives me a bit of peace in my germaphobic mind about all of the dog saliva that has entered my home as of late. Haha...

mks said...

have to say i LOVe your blog. you are such a great writer. best of luck with all of those cookies!

Katie and Greg said...

Yes! I have been looking for a new lunch idea with Lou on lonely days home. We are totally doing cookies soon! Wow, and I must say Dr. Reese is very observant. So hilarious!